Writings of Evan Nichols
I can provide:
- Articles, essays, news copy, technical writing
- Speeches and presentations
- Press releases, ad copy, promotional materials
- Stories and scripts
- Proofreading and editing
- Almost any word-related activity
- Competitive rates and customer-focused service!
What do you need written?
Email me at FanMail (-at-)evannichols.com
Writing Samples
Novel: ELDRITCH BEGINNINGS A young vampire hunter tries to leave his life of violence.
Novel: SKEPTICAL AUGURY Strangers struggle to combat invaders from another dimension.
Screenplay: FREEDOM'S PRICE One woman's search for family after global eco-terrorism disaster.
One-Act Play: GREEK MYTHS Myths take a turn when the characters want a better fate.
Short Story: THE DESTRUCTION OF SCATIX A light-hearted fantasy adventure of two non-traditional heroes.
Short Story: A STITCH IN TIME A Dr. Eldritch story written in a 24-Hour contest.
Awards & Honors:
Winner - National Novel Writing Month 2003, 2004 & 2005